When the pollen count is high and the air is thick with dust, it can be hard to breathe. And if you're one of the millions of Americans who suffer from allergies, this time of year can be pretty miserable.

But did you know that your upholstery could also be making you sneeze and cough? In this blog post, we'll talk about how to reduce allergens in your home - including how often you should get your upholstery cleaned!

What to do when allergies are in full force

If you're someone who suffers from allergies, you know that they can be unpredictable. One day you might feel fine, and the next you're sneezing and sniffling non-stop.

But there are some things you can do to help lessen the symptoms, like:

· Wiping down surfaces with a damp cloth to remove dust

· Vacuuming regularly with a HEPA filter

· Keeping pets out of bedrooms (or at least off the furniture)

· Changing furnace and air conditioner filters monthly

· Avoiding opening windows when pollen counts are high

How upholstery cleaning can help with allergies

In addition to the tips above, another great way to reduce allergens in your home is to get your upholstery cleaned regularly.

That's because upholstered furniture can collect dust, pollen, and other allergens just like carpets and drapes. And if you're not regularly cleaning them, those allergens can be released into the air - causing you to sneeze and cough.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce dust and allergens in your home - you just need to be diligent about it!

Here's how often you should be getting your upholstery cleaned

Now that we've talked about how important it is to get your upholstery cleaned, you might be wondering how often you should be doing it.

The answer depends on a few factors, like:

· How many people live in your home?

· Do you have any pets?

· How much traffic does your furniture see?

· Are you someone who suffers from allergies?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you might want to consider getting your upholstery cleaned more often.

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend getting it done every six months to one year. But if you have pets or suffer from allergies, you might want to get it done more frequently - like every three to six months.

How often should I get my carpets cleaned?

If you’re getting your upholstery cleaned, it’s a great idea to get your carpets cleaned at the same time. Most companies offer bundle deals, so you save money and breathe easier. 

Like with upholstery cleaning, there are a few factors that come into play with timing. Such as how many people live in your home and whether or not you have any pets. 

For regular use, once or twice a year is fine. But for heavy use, pets, or allergy-sufferers, we recommend you get your upholstery AND carpets cleaned at the same time every three to six months. This avoids the build-up of dust, pollen, and pet dander that can make you feel unwell. 

Can getting my drapes cleaned improve my allergies?

Add one more to the list! Though drapes are less common in homes than they were 20 years ago, if your home has drapes, you should plan to get them cleaned at the same time as you have your carpets and upholstery freshened up. 

Just like with upholstery and carpets, drapes can collect dust, pollen, and other allergens. So by getting them cleaned on a regular basis, you can help reduce allergens in your home.

Typically drapes don’t need to be cleaned as often as upholstery and carpet, as they don’t see the same kind of use and traffic. If you’re getting your carpets and upholstery cleaned every three to six months, just plan to include your drapes in the cleaning bundle every other cleaning session. 

Finding a pro to get the job done

Now that you know how important it is to get your upholstery, carpets, and drapes cleaned regularly, you might be wondering where to find a pro to do the job. You want someone who will do a great job, for an affordable price, and with excellent customer service. 

If you're looking for someone in the Atlanta area, we recommend checking out TrustDALE.com for a list of reputable cleaning companies. TrustDALE is a reliable resource for experts in the field who will do a great job of getting your home clean - without damaging your furniture or making your allergies worse.


In this blog post, we've shared some tips for how to reduce dust and allergens in your home. We've also talked about how important it is to get your upholstery, carpets, and drapes cleaned on a regular basis - especially if you suffer from allergies.

If you are ready to update and clean your home’s interior to fight allergies, getting your upholstery, carpets, and drapes cleaned is the way to go. And when you use a TrustDALE certified professional, you're always protected by Dale's trademark $10,000 Make-It-Right Guarantee. So what are you waiting for? Start looking for a trusted cleaning professional in your area today and breathe easy knowing that your home is clean and allergy-free!

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