Fire, water and smoke damage can occur at any time and in any place. That said it is important to try to mitigate the damage as quickly as possible until help arrives.  
Contacting a disaster restoration company as fast as possible is a top priority when any type of flooding, fire and smoke damage has occurred.  
Taking these immediate steps can greatly reduce damage and save homeowners or businesses a considerable amount of money. 

Mopping And Blotting

One of the easiest things to do is to assist in the drying process when flooding has occurred. Use fans to circulate air throughout the affected area.  
Equally important is to remove as much water as possible by mopping and blotting up areas of water or moisture. Wiping furniture dry and lifting drapes away from the water as well as removing wet furniture cushions to dry outdoors can also assist in the restoration process.  
Again, all this should be done in coordination with having called a disaster restoration company

Moving Wet Rugs Outdoors

Another excellent tip is to remove all wet area rugs or other types of wet flooring as quickly as possible.  
Moving wet rugs outdoors into the sun will allow them to dry quickly and allow the affected room to dry more quickly as well.  
Opening furniture drawers and all closet doors can also expedite the drying process. Any photos or paintings should be moved to a dry and safe location. In addition, any wet fabrics should be removed from the affected area to dry.  
Remove any wet or damp books and spread them out in a safe location to dry as well.  

Remove Water

Depending on the time of year when the damage occurs it is best to make use of the home HVAC system to expedite the drying process.  
For example, if water damage occurs during the winter, simply leave the heat on to circulate air as a way to dry the area. If damage occurs during the summer, the same would apply by leaving the air conditioning on to achieve the same results.  
As a note, it is important to never use an ordinary household type vacuum cleaner to draw away or remove water. Also, never walk into a room where there is standing water while the electricity is still on. 

Disaster Restoration

Smoke and fire damage can present real challenges for homeowners. That is why it is best to contact disaster restoration as quickly as possible prior to doing anything on your own.  
Smoke damage and fire damage present a serious threat to the occupants of a home. Work with professionals to ensure that your home is properly prepared and repaired once smoke or fire damage has occurred.  
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