People often ask me how I came up with the idea of Well, here’s the story.  I was sitting on my sofa watching TV in 2008, when I saw a commercial for the umpteenth time, featuring a woman dancing in her kitchen with her kids all around, celebrating that she’d just saved $100 off her natural gas bill. The company was spending a fortune running this ad over and over, but no one I asked had a clue what it really meant. So, I played it back, read the fine print on the screen and discovered the crazy truth. The only way to get the $100 in “savings,” was to sign up for the company’s most expensive plan, pay hundreds of dollars more than you should for twenty consecutive months, just to get that $100 off! 

That kind of advertising drives me crazy. I then put my investigators’ cap on, visited Georgia’s Public Service Commission website, and discovered who truly offered the best price when choosing a natural gas provider, and it’s the same company sixteen years later, True Natural Gas. Surprised? I hope not, because I’ve been telling their story through for almost as long as I’ve known the truth.  I wanted to ask Dan Hart, the President and CEO of True Natural Gas, his company's method to being the consistent low-cost leader. 

Dale: Dan, thanks so much for your time. What’s your secret? 

Dan: We have a highly competent team who is always looking for ways to make advantageous gas purchases for our customer base. We also have proprietary tools that help us look forward to ensuring we are securing gas at the best price possible. Not quite a crystal ball, but the next best thing. 

Dale: Don’t your competitors do the same thing? 

Dan: Not to the extent we do. For example, all the marketers use and pay for the infrastructure provided by Atlanta Gas Light, like interstate gas pipelines. We are very careful to maximize what we use and sell off what we don’t. We also realized very early that excessive bad debt will destroy earnings. That’s why we look closely at a customer’s credit score at the time they apply for service and monitor accounts closely every month for timely payment. 

Dale: Too many Georgians think gas is gas is gas, and there’s no significant difference between marketers. What are people missing? 

Dan: Customers need to look at their bill! Make sure they know what they’re paying per therm (the measurable unit for natural gas) and make sure they’re not on a variable rate which can be 3 times more expensive than a fixed rate. 

Dale: Does it make a difference that True Natural Gas is owned Coweta-Fayette EMC, an electric cooperative? 

Dan: Absolutely! First, we’re not greedy, we maintain reasonable profit margins, but just as important, we care deeply about customer service. If you visit the Public Service Commission website, you’ll see we are consistently rated by consumers as the top provider when you take in to account the size of our customer base. 

Dale: Dan, so many of your competitors, especially the ones we see on TV, are constantly trying to woo us with offers, which is a nice word for gimmicks. Your team doesn’t do that. 

Dan: We thought long and hard about what we could do to compete, and we settled on something we feel is much better. Instead of harming our current customers financially by offering gift cards or cheaper plans to recruit new customers, we focus on keeping our customers with a loyalty program we call True Rewards. 

You see, everyone pays their natural gas provider a service fee on top of their price per therm. The longer you stay with us, the less you’ll pay every month in customer service fees, and for our residential customers receiving the full $2.50 monthly discount, that amounts to saving another 4 cents per therm! 

Dan, I want to thank your dedicated team for taking natural gas so seriously, so as I say, we can hire True Natural Gas, then set it and forget it! Here’s a final word about natural gas providers. I favor the marketers owned by electrical cooperatives because their parent companies are not for profit, and care deeply about their customers. 

And thanks to Georgia law, you don’t have to be a member of that cooperative to be their gas customer! Now that you know you can truly save hundreds of dollars every year by choosing True Natural Gas, I hope you’ll do so, and tell them Dale sent you!

Dale's New Book:
Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!