Welcome to TrustDALE's Three For Thursday with Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell.

Are you a reasonable person? If you subscribe to Three for Thursday, I'm betting you are. I bring it up, because I recently fielded a complaint from a person who didn't go through TrustDALE about a warranty issue. They unreasonably expected the limited warranty they purchased for a very low price, to pay the total price to replace their antiquated heat pump. My point is that you get what you pay for, and the amount they paid would lead a reasonable person to expect a prorated amount of the repairs to be covered, not the entire bill.In this person's case, they wanted me to force the company to give them far more than they deserved. It's a trait I see from time to time and the common denominator is immaturity. The fact I love about our TrustDALE community is your belief in "win-win" relationships, and the belief you can pay a fair price for a fine product or service and the company earns a fair profit. And by the way, if you're interested in purchasing a truly effective home warranty, the only one I recommend is America's Preferred Home Warranty. Click here to check it out!

Watch this Investigation

Today's investigation = Shady Tree Trial. We can't make this up. Watch because This Could Happen to you!

Ask Dale

Today's Ask Dale question comes from Katie, who wants to know who's behind those "we'll move you for $65 per hour" signs.

Watch the video to find out!

Todays Lesson on how to be a Savvy Consumer!

Today's seven-point lesson is on getting results.

Fast - Do they want your money NOW? It's very difficult to influence an outcome after they have your money.

Funds - Is the investment required relevant to the promised payoff? The court system and court of public opinion will lack empathy if it appears you thought you were taking advantage before realizing you've been taken advantage of.

Found - A person who intends to rip you off will make certain he can't be found after he gets your money. If you can't find them, chances are they've taken the steps necessary to not be found.

Define - Your deal by comparing product, Offer and Price. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Compare, compare, and compare before you buy.

Ensure - Your deal with an Ethical negotiation, an Equitable contract, and an Effective Guarantee. You don't know what you don't know, so show the contract to a third party that does know before you sign.

Authenticate - Your deal by requesting References, checking reviews, and examining government and watchdog reports. If the vendor isn't a con artist, calling them out respectfully on social media often works.

Legitimize - your deal by determining if the company has a business license, liability insurance and is Lawsuit and background checked. Companies that follow these rules are more likely to follow a path of common sense to resolve a disagreement. Proceed with respect, watch what you say and how you say it.

Dale's New Book:
Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!