Dale Cardwell

Don't Do It Without Dale!

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Your FREE $10,000 Make It Right Guarantee™
Most reputable companies offer guarantees, but guess who's in charge if something goes wrong? Every TrustDALE recommend service has agreed – in writing – to place Dale in charge of Making It Right. That's not just confidence in their ability to deliver excellence, but great peace of mind for you!

How To Use TrustDALE
Most reputable companies offer guarantees, but guess who's in charge if something goes wrong? Every TrustDALE recommend service has agreed – in writing – to place Dale in charge of Making It Right. That's not just confidence in their ability to deliver excellence, but great peace of mind for you!
Watch Dale
Haven't filed your income taxes yet? Scammers may have done it for you!
Got a problem? We may be able to help. Send us an email: https://trustdale.com/contact/submit-problem
TrustDALE Investigates
TrustDALE Investigates is a consumer advocacy program led by Dale Cardwell, exposing scams and unethical practices while promoting trustworthy businesses. The show empowers consumers with advice, resources, and investigations that highlight integrity and protect consumer rights.
Haven't filed your income taxes yet? Scammers may have done it for you! Here's how to stop them before they can steal your money.
About TrustDALE
At TrustDALE, we connect you with trusted, high-quality companies and help solve consumer problems that might seem unsolvable. Our mission is to build a community of trust, where you can confidently find fair-priced, top-performing services and products. Through our transparent seven-point investigative process, we certify only the best companies, offering you real peace of mind. TrustDALE doesn’t add companies just to increase profits; we add them because they’ve proven to be trustworthy.
Why Trust Dale Cardwell?
With years of experience exposing scams and helping consumers, Dale Cardwell founded TrustDALE to help people make confident choices. Our certified companies undergo Dale’s thorough vetting process, and we back their services with our $10,000 Make It Right Guarantee™—giving you protection in case you don’t receive what’s promised.
Helpful Links:
Submit Your Consumer Issue https://trustdale.com/contact/submit-problem
Consumer Advice & Blog https://trustdale.com/blog
Dale Cardwell’s Book on How to Avoid Rip-Offs https://trustdale.com/dales-book
TrustDALE Home Page https://trustdale.com/
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Watch Dale Investigate:This Could Happen to You - Help! My house is falling down a hill.