Dale's Consumer Do's and Don'ts

Welcome to my monthly newsletter, Dale’s Do’s and Don’t’s providing suggestions for your home and family, along with cautionary tales of how to be a safe and smart consumer. Every month I’m going to share one of my seven steps consumers should employ when they’re considering a purchase.

Don't Get Scammed Get Smart: Becoming A Savvy Consumer

Today we’re focusing on the third letter and word from my acronym, F which stands for Found. A person who’s intentionally planning to rip you off has gone to significant lengths to make certain they can’t be found when you discover you’ve been taken. They’ll often use a false name, fake phone number and fictitious address, which might even be backed up by a photoshopped photograph on Google. That’s exactly what happened to Cory Mayville when he was looking to rent an apartment in downtown Atlanta. The warning signs were all there! Watch this video!

Dale, I Was Offered Free Woodchips. Is This Legit?

Today’s real consumer question is about Chip Drop. Can you really get some things for free? Our real consumer, David, got right to the point. Is ChipDrop.com a legitimate company? Chip Drop offers a service many people wouldn’t expect- free wood chip mulch delivery! The website lets tree trimming and mulching companies deliver excess wood chips to anyone who wants them. It is FREE, but even Chip Drop admits there’s a catch. Read more....

Power Up Your Spring Cleaning with Professional Junk Removal!

Spring is here, and it's time for some deep cleaning. But let's face it: spring cleaning can be a daunting task. Between sorting through years of accumulated clutter and deciding what to keep or toss, the whole process can be overwhelming. Luckily, there's a solution: professional junk removal. Let's get started!

Creating the Perfect Outdoor Space for Spring and Summer!

Ah, spring! The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the weather is finally starting to warm up. After months of hibernating indoors, it's time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. And what better way to do that than by creating the perfect outdoor space for spring and summer by upgrading patios and porches? Whether you have a small balcony or a sprawling backyard, there are endless possibilities for turning your outdoor space into a relaxing oasis. Learn more....

It's That Time Again! Time for a Spring HVAC Checkup.

As the flowers bloom and the temperatures rise, spring is the perfect time to give your HVAC system some much-needed attention. Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system works tirelessly to keep your home comfortable throughout the year, and a spring checkup can ensure it's running efficiently and effectively. Learn more....

Dale's New Book:
Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!