
Auto Repair Services in Kentucky

Auto Repair Services

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Auto Repair News & Advice

Expert insights, tips, and trusted recommendations. Each post is designed to help you make informed decisions and get the best service for your needs. Stay updated with the latest in this category!
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January 10th, 2024
Ask Dale: The mechanic damaged my car. What can I do?
The mechanic damaged my car. What can I do?
March 9th, 2019
Sound Advice: Keep Your Receipts
Almost no one keeps receipts these days. After all, everything is online. So when one couple found out that the receipt for their car repair was no longer on file with the mechanic, they learned a valuable lesson.
January 27th, 2019
Dale Investigates: Faulty Filter
An oil change should be a pretty simple procedure. So imagine the surprise of one couple when a simple oil change led to a busted engine!
July 25th, 2018
What to Know Before Taking Your Car in for Repairs
Keeping a paid off vehicle is a great way to save some money. Unfortunately, many price-conscious drivers are also putting off needed repairs to try to save an extra buck. But putting off repairs could actually cost you more, and it puts your safety and t
March 29th, 2018
Common Symptoms of Transmission Problems
If you hear strange noises coming from your car, or feel gears slipping or clunking, you may suspect you have transmission problems. But when is it really time to come to a mechanic, and when might you really be looking at issues with the transmission?
October 30th, 2017
How To Find The Best Automotive Services In Atlanta
While owning a vehicle has basically become an unquestionable need for people of all ages, it does come with a few downsides, the main negative being the inevitable need for automotive repair and maintenance services.

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