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Does Your Driveway Need a Refresh?
August 25th, 2022
Does Your Driveway Need a Refresh?
Your driveway is one of the first things people see when they pull up to your house, so it's important that it looks its best. Unfortunately, driveways can suffer a lot of damage over time from weather, cars, and other factors.
Is it Time to Replace Your Driveway?
September 27th, 2020
Is it Time to Replace Your Driveway?
While driveways can last a long time, they don't last forever. Sometimes, your best option is to repair your driveway. But at a certain point, complete driveway replacement makes the most sense. Here's how to tell when you need to replace your driveway.
Avoid This Asphalt Company
May 24th, 2019
Avoid This Asphalt Company
Sometimes you think you’ve found a great deal, but low prices can be misleading. This homeowner found that the bargain she thought she had found was a lot less than she’d bargained for.

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SCAMMERS BEWARE: Seasoned consumer investigator Dale Cardwell gives readers a game plan to avoid rip-offs.