Welcome to my monthly newsletter, Dale’s Do’s and Don’ts providing suggestions for your home and family, along with cautionary tales of how to be a safe and smart consumer. Each month I share one of my seven steps consumers should employ when you’re considering a purchase.

Don't Get Scammed Get Smart: Becoming A Savvy Consumer

Today’s helpful hint focuses on my third step I call FOUND. If you give 100% or your payment, or an uncomfortable percentage up front – before you confirm the validity of the seller, you have failed to protect yourself from a potential con artist who has gone to great lengths to make certain he/she can’t be found – AFTER he/she has your money. Watch the video that makes my warning very real.

Ask Dale: Understanding Zillow's Zestimates

Zillow, the prominent real estate website, offers consumers an intriguing feature called Zestimates. These proprietary estimates provide an indication of a home's market value, based on a mix of public and private data sources. However, the burning question remains: Are Zestimates accurate? Zillow acknowledges that while its zestimates may not align precisely with the actual sale prices, the company firmly believes that its estimates generally hold true. Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that these estimates have limitations. Zillow doesn't have the ability to see inside a home to assess the latest upgrades or renovations. Click here to learn more....

Holiday Scams - With Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell

The holidays are a time of fun and joy, but it's also a time for scammers. Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell helps you navigate the most common Consumer Scams that get people fall victim to. Don't get caught in one of these Holiday Scams!

Windows of Opportunity: Boosting Energy Efficiency with Window Replacements

Replacing old and worn-out windows with new, efficient ones can transform the insulation capabilities of your home, eliminating pesky drafts and dampening temperature fluctuations throughout the seasons. As a result, you'll enjoy greater comfort and reduced reliance on heating or cooling systems. New windows can also increase your home value. Learn more. 

Assessing Your Home Security Needs

Home security is of paramount importance, and it begins with understanding and evaluating potential risks and vulnerabilities specific to your property and lifestyle. By conducting a thorough assessment, you can determine the level of security required. Click here to learn more about components of a home security system and monitoring options. 
Dale's New Book:
Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!