TrustDALE's Three For Thursday

Welcome to TrustDALE's Three For Thursday with Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell.

It used to drive me crazy when I would get competing offers from Comcast and Dish. Each would promise to give me something like a $5 break on six months of service if I would switch. Now that most are cutting the cord, the new game involves steaming platforms like Netflix drawing you in a much lower prices, then raising them incrementally based on the “frog in the pot” method. You’ll take a $8.99 increase, but how often, and what’s your breaking point? I guarantee they have algorithms that inform them of your most likely limit. My advice? Review your subscription bills regularly. Look for automatic renewals that claim to give you bonus viewing, but at a price. My Senior Producer discovered she was buying a family plan for up to six but only needed one. Her sharp eye reduced her monthly payment by $7. Not enough to break the bank, but remember, it’s your money, not theirs!

Bradd Pitt Scam
Watch this Investigation

Today’s investigation - Brad Pitt Poser. Watch because this could happen to you!

Ask Dale
Ask Dale

Today’s Ask Dale question comes from Marion, who wants to know if a quit claim deed is a safe method of gaining legal ownership of a house.
Click the video for the answer.

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Today's Lesson On How To Be A Savvy Consumer!

Today's seven-point lesson is on trusting celebrity endorsements.
Fast - Do they want your money NOW? Never rely on a celebrity’s endorsement if the entity is asking for full payment up front. Most of the time, the celebrity has no knowledge of the product or service.
Funds - Is the investment needed relevant to the promised payoff? Beware the words, “just $5.99 to start.”  That won’t be the regular price.
Found - A person who intends to rip you off will make certain he cannot be found after he gets your money. Seeing a familiar face or brand on a flyer is no evidence at all that the person or entity is truly endorsing the product.
Define – Your deal by comparing Product, Offer and Price. If the celebrity gets your attention, that’s ok. Still do your due diligence on comparing product, offer and price.
Ensure - Your deal with an Ethical negotiation, an Equitable contract, and an Effective Guarantee. This is your next step after getting at least two, and even better, three competing estimates. Car Shield is a great example of an entity that uses celebrity endorsers but has a reputation for escaping responsibility through unfair agreements.
Authenticate - Your deal by requesting References, checking reviews, and reviewing watchdog reports. Even celebrity endorsed products can’t escape bad reviews.
Legitimize -Your deal by figuring out if the company has a business license, liability insurance and is Lawsuit and background searched. If a celebrity endorses a product that’s lost a major lawsuit, know that money is what’s motivating that celebrity.