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Outdoor Living & Kitchen News & Advice

Expert insights, tips, and trusted recommendations. Each post is designed to help you make informed decisions and get the best service for your needs. Stay updated with the latest in this category!
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Take down those holiday lights and install some classy year-round lighting
January 9th, 2022
Take down those holiday lights and install some classy year-round lighting
The holidays are over and it's time to prepare for a new year. That means it is time to take down those holiday lights and start installing year-round outdoor lighting!
The Benefits of an Outdoor Kitchen
April 21st, 2019
The Benefits of an Outdoor Kitchen
Cooking and eating outdoors is one of the joys of summer. Some homeowners are content with a small grill on a patio or deck. But as trends move more and more toward outdoor living, many homeowners are kicking it up a notch and installing outdoor kitchens.
Increase Your Home’s Value With Outdoor Living
March 17th, 2018
Increase Your Home’s Value With Outdoor Living
One great way to experience the outdoors is with outdoor living spaces. Outdoor living spaces are one of the hottest trends today in housing and home sales. So not only can you create a perfect space for your family and friends to enjoy, you can increase

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Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!
SCAMMERS BEWARE: Seasoned consumer investigator Dale Cardwell gives readers a game plan to avoid rip-offs.