With Englert LeafGuard you won't have to pull out your ladder, climb to your roof and risk life and limb to do a chore you absolutely hate, only to have to do the same chore again - in the spring! Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell, president of TRUSTDale.com, trusts Englert LeafGuard for a covered gutter system that protects your home, and a rock-solid guarantee that you will never have to clean them out - ever again. Click HERE to receive your exclusive LeafGuard/TD Deal of $400 off a complete LeafGuard gutter system (certain restrictions apply) when you sign up through TRUSTDale. Plus, you get the LeafGuard/TRUSTDale Make It Right Guarantee!

TRUSTDale Tip of the Day: *Easier Ways to Rake Leaves (...And Keep It FUN!)

For those who have a garden and lawn, the best way to keep both healthy is to make sure you take care of all those Fall leaves by raking them up. While some subscribe to the leaf blower method, it never did make much sense to me to blow leaves into the street (or elsewhere) instead of raking them up. Also, using a blower isn't environmentally friendly. So, if you prefer to try and do your yard clean-up in as green a fashion as possible, then there is a rake in your future.

Here are some great tips to make raking up your Fall leaves and other yard debris easier...

  1. Keep the wind direction in mind and start raking downwind. Otherwise, you'll find yourself raking the same leaves up later. (That is, of course, unless you want the extra cardio exercise!)
  1. Wear long pants, gloves and layers when raking. This will help to protect you in the event there are snakes or insects in between the leaves. It will also keep you warm while it's cooler and enable you to shed layers as it warms up outside.
  1. Wait until after peak foliage time to rake your Fall leaves. It may seem like it is better to rake them up right away when they first begin falling, but you will find yourself raking your yard more often if you do that.

These are just a few tips to get you started with your Fall leaf raking. By following even a few of them, the task will be much more enjoyable and safer for you and those who help you rake leaves.

*Source: https://household-tips.thefuntimesguide.com/2008/11/raking_leaves.php

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