Welcome to TrustDALE's Three For Thursday with Consumer Investigator Dale Cardwell.

I remember the mistake like it was yesterday. A close friend called with much excitement and said, "I can get you a Furby, but you have to decide now!" We bit and paid more than $100 for a toy that retailed for $35. My eight-year-old daughter Jess was unimpressed. Welcome to the world of Bitcoin, where you're buying a story, not a necessity. Marketing guru Seth Godin says anything you purchase beyond food, water and shelter is nothing more than a story you pay attention to because of the way it makes you feel. Some people are good at riding the wave of the story. I'm too practical, and thankfully my tendency to be a late adapter has probably saved me a lot of money. Personally, I stay away from digital currency. Its strength, that it operates independent of a government, is also its weakness, but a lot of money will change hands while people ride the wave. Want a better bet? Hire a TrustDALE Certified company, and not only get excellence, but the protection of my Make It Right Guarantee!

Watch this Investigation

Today's investigation = The Oldest Trick in the Asphalt Book. Watch because This Could Happen to you!

Ask Dale

Today's Ask Dale question comes from Andy, who wants to know his rights after forgetting to cancel a free trial by the end date. Watch the video to find out!

Todays Lesson on how to be a Savvy Consumer!

Today's seven-point lesson is on determining a fair price.

Fast - Do they want your money NOW? Paying upfront with no chance to compare is dangerous.

Funds - Is the investment required relevant to the promised payoff? An unusually cheap product is almost always going to prove itself to be unusually cheap in value.

Found - A person who intends to rip you off will make certain he cannot be found after he gets your money. Urgency is often an ingredient when failing to do your homework on location.

Define - Your deal by comparing product, Offer and Price. This is the best way to determine a fair price.

Ensure - Your deal with an Ethical negotiation, an Equitable contract, and an Effective Guarantee. Ensuring an ethical negotiation depends largely on first "defining" your deal. (See above)

Authenticate - Your deal by requesting References, checking reviews, and examining government and watchdog reports. People will squeal when they think they've been burned. Check reviews!

Legitimize - your deal by determining if the company has a business license, liability insurance and is Lawsuit and background checked. People who feel ripped off often sue. Check the company's records!

Dale's New Book:
Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!