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Awnings News & Advice

Expert insights, tips, and trusted recommendations. Each post is designed to help you make informed decisions and get the best service for your needs. Stay updated with the latest in this category!
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Motorized Awnings and Screens: The Ultimate Upgrade for Georgia Outdoor Living
February 17th, 2025
Motorized Awnings and Screens: The Ultimate Upgrade for Georgia Outdoor Living
Enhance outdoor spaces in Georgia with motorized awnings and screens for shade, comfort, and energy savings. Visit to find trusted professionals for installation and customization.
Prepare for Spring With Awnings for Your Backyard
March 31st, 2023
Prepare for Spring With Awnings for Your Backyard
Spring is here, and it's time to start enjoying the great outdoors again! If you're looking for a way to upgrade your backyard and make it a more comfortable and enjoyable space, then installing an awning might be just what you need.
You're Replacing Old Awnings or Adding New Ones, Here's What You Need to know
October 26th, 2022
You're Replacing Old Awnings or Adding New Ones, Here's What You Need to know
Like most homeowners, you probably take pride in your home and want to do whatever you can to improve its appearance and functionality. One way to achieve both of these goals is by installing awnings.
Beat the Summer Heat With New Awnings
May 21st, 2021
Beat the Summer Heat With New Awnings
According to the Department of Energy, window awnings can reduce solar heat gain by up to 65 percent on south-facing windows and 77 percent on west-facing windows. Installing awnings on your home can help you beat the heat this summer heat!
    Don't Get Scammed: Get Smart!
    SCAMMERS BEWARE: Seasoned consumer investigator Dale Cardwell gives readers a game plan to avoid rip-offs.