Top-rated Cabinet Refinishing and Refacing Services in Columbus, OH 43215
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1 result in Holly Springs, GA
Detail Design & Remodeling is a family owned company that strives to deliver the best results for their customers. At Detail Design, their goal is to create a kitchen that is more functional, more beautiful, and less expensive while being less intrusive than a complete tear
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Cabinet Refinishing and Refacing FAQ's
Here, we answer your most common questions about Cabinet Refinishing and Refacing. From understanding the services provided to knowing what to expect, we’re here to help make your decision easier.
Cabinet Refinishing and Refacing News & Advice
Expert insights, tips, and trusted recommendations. Each post is designed to help you make informed decisions and get the best service for your needs. Stay updated with the latest in this category!
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April 7th, 2022
Spring Into Spring With a Fresh New Kitchen!
In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the latest trends in kitchen cabinets, as well as the benefits of refinishing and refacing.
September 29th, 2021
Before You Remodel Your Whole Kitchen, Try Cabinet Refinishing and Refacing
Before you remodel your whole kitchen, try cabinet refinishing and refacing. This process can save you time, money, and even allow more quality customization than you could afford if you went for a whole remodel!
January 3rd, 2020
Put a New Face on Your Kitchen With Cabinet Refinishing
Most jobs can be completed in just 2-3 days. Refacing typically saves 50% of the cost compared to installing new cabinets. Refinishing cabinets can save as much at 75% compared to installing new cabinets.