Top-rated Tax Appeal Services in Joelton, TN

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Tax Appeals and Assistance News & Advice

Expert insights, tips, and trusted recommendations. Each post is designed to help you make informed decisions and get the best service for your needs. Stay updated with the latest in this category!
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Tax Day Has Been Moved to July 15. What Does That Mean for You?
April 9th, 2020
Tax Day Has Been Moved to July 15. What Does That Mean for You?
The IRS has done something just as unprecedented as the times we are living in, and moved tax day to July 15, 2020.
Just So You Know - Tax Assessments
October 15th, 2019
Just So You Know - Tax Assessments
Sometimes, the city may overvalue your home, resulting in higher-than-expected taxes. If you think your home was valued beyond what it should be, you have the option to appeal your assessment.
Do You Need a Tax Attorney This Tax Season?
March 5th, 2018
Do You Need a Tax Attorney This Tax Season?
If you have a complex tax situation, own a business, have an estate, or any other unusual tax situation you may need to call in help. If the IRS is auditing you, you may need representation. And if you owe back taxes or have other tax related problems you

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