AAMCO is the largest transmission repair and service specialist around, with centers all across the United States and Canada. They are not only the experts on your transmission, but they can diagnose and treat any problems your may have. AAMCO offers a thorough multi-
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Transmission Specialists News & Advice
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January 15th, 2019
Is a Third-Party Vehicle Warranty Worth It?
Many car owners seek additional warranty coverage from third-party companies. An extended warranty can be costly, but it covers more of the vehicle for more time and more miles than the basic dealership warranties. Unfortunately, making a claim on an exte
March 29th, 2018
Common Symptoms of Transmission Problems
If you hear strange noises coming from your car, or feel gears slipping or clunking, you may suspect you have transmission problems. But when is it really time to come to a mechanic, and when might you really be looking at issues with the transmission?
August 9th, 2017
When To Service Your Transmission
Servicing your transmission as needed is an important way to avoid larger, more costly repairs in the future.